What are possible concerns regarding the use of regional anesthesia techniques? 使用区域阻滞时主要考虑哪些问题?
Posterior open reduction under regional anesthesia combined anterior fusion of lower cervical spine locked facet 局麻下经后路切开复位联合前路融合内固定治疗下颈椎关节突交锁
Regional anesthesia is used to block pain in a large area of the body. 区域麻醉使身体比较大的区域免于疼痛。
Regional anesthesia resulting from injection of an anesthetic into the caudal end of the spinal canal; now largely replaced by epidural anesthesia. 通过追管尾段注入麻醉剂而导致局部麻醉。
A Clinical Investigation of an Appropriate Dosage Regimen of Midazolam and Fentanyl for Sedation during Regional Anesthesia; He hoped IDG strengthen the cooperation of mutual benefits in Hi-tech Fair and VC. 咪唑安定+芬太尼混合剂用于局部麻醉镇静最佳配方的研究他希望IDG进一步加强在高交会和风险投资等方面的平等互惠合作。
What about evidence regarding perioperative warfarin therapy and regional anesthesia? 有关围术期华法林治疗和局部麻醉关系的证据有哪些?
Although regional anesthesia blocks all thermal information from the lower portion of the body, tonic cold signals would be the major traffic disrupted. 虽然区域麻醉阻滞了来自身体下部的所有的温度信号,但是原本活跃的冷敏信号将受到更加严重的干扰。
This review updates the research in the area, evaluates the effects on patient outcome, risks, and controversies for regional anesthesia and analgesia. 此文就区域麻醉或镇痛对病人术后转归的影响、实施的风险以及主要的争议作一综述。
Regional anesthesia resulting from the injection of a local anesthetic on each side of the cervix; used during labor and childbirth. 从颈部外侧注入麻醉剂而导致的麻醉;用于妇女分娩。
Three Different Regional Anesthesia Used for Cesarean Performed on Patients with Pregnancy-induced Hypertension 三种不同的区域麻醉方法用于妊高征剖宫产术的对比研究
Conclusion: Under field condition, regional anesthesia can provide adequate analgesic effect during and after the surgery. 结论:野外条件下,区域麻醉可提供充分的术中及术后镇痛;
Regional anesthesia is used most often for surgery of the lower abdomen or lower extremities, since the effect of sympathetic blockade of these areas is minimal. 区域麻醉最常用于下腹部和下肢的手术,因为这些部位交感阻滞影响极小。
One disadvantage of regional anesthesia is the occasional failure to produce adequate anesthesia; another is hypotension due to sympathetic blockade. 区域麻醉的缺点之一是偶尔不能获得满意的麻醉,另外一个缺点是交感阻滞引起的低血压。
A comparison of local anesthesia and regional or general anesthesia for inguinal hernia repair 局麻下与硬膜外麻醉或全麻下行疝环充填式无张力疝修补术的对比分析
Patients often have misconceptions about regional anesthesia that require detailed explanation of the safety of this technique. 病人对区域麻醉常有误解,需要详细解释这一方法的安全性。
Employing regional anesthesia in the ambulatory surgery patient has a number of potential advantages. 对门诊病人施行局部麻醉有很多潜在的优点。
Effects of Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure Ventilation on the Respiratory Function in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Undergoing Regional Anesthesia and Surgical Procedure 双水平正压通气对慢阻肺患者行椎管内麻醉及手术时呼吸功能的影响
Background: Propofol, a rapidly acting intravenous anesthetics, which is widely used for anesthetic induction and maintainance, and also for sedation during local and regional anesthesia, as well as outside the operating room ( i.g., intensive care unit [ ICU]). 异丙酚(propofol)是一种起效迅速的静脉麻醉药,广泛用于全身麻醉诱导与维持;也用于局部或区域麻醉时及手术室外(如重症监护病房)病人的镇静治疗。
Discussion of Expansion of Indication about Regional Anesthesia 拓宽部位麻醉适应症的探讨
Patient-Controlled Sedation with Etomidate during Regional Anesthesia 部位麻醉术中乙咪酯自控镇静的应用
Control group was administered with traditional regional anesthesia only. 对照组行传统的区域阻滞麻醉。
The clinical application of patient-controlled sedation during maxillofacial procedure under regional anesthesia 患者自控镇静术在颌面及颈部局麻手术中的应用
Conclusion: Propofol has satisfactory sedative and hypotic effect with minimal respiratory depression at the dose of 0.8-1.0mg/kg for the patients under regional anesthesia. 结论:静注0.8~1mg/kg异丙酚可以产生适用于非全麻病人的镇静、催眠作用,而对呼吸抑制的作用较小。
Conclusion Whole-brain and regional metabolism decrease significantly during both isoflurane and enflurane anesthesia, but the targets of the two anesthetics are partly different. 结论:全脑及脑内局部葡萄糖代谢率在吸入异氟醚和安氟醚麻醉时均可显著降低,异氟醚和安氟醚麻醉在人脑内的靶区有一定的相似性,但不完全相同。
Patient-controlled sedation with propofol in regional anesthesia 部位麻醉术中异丙酚自控镇静研究
Objective Caudal epidural blockade is the most common technique of pediatric regional anesthesia. 目的骶管阻滞为小儿常用局部麻醉方法,复合全身麻醉用于T(10)平面以下手术,常用单次注射方法,但作用时间较短,不利于术中麻醉维持及术后镇痛;
Objective: To investigate whether monitored anesthetical care ( MAC) is better than traditional regional anesthesia in mammary augmentation surgery. 目的:观察监测麻醉(MAC)用于门诊隆胸术是否优于传统的区域阻滞麻醉。
Amnesia of Midazolam under Regional Anesthesia 局麻下咪达唑仑的顺性遗忘作用
General anesthesia was adopted in39 cases and regional anesthesia in43 cases. 手术采用气管内插管全身麻醉39例,颈丛麻醉43例。
loss of sensation in a region of the body produced by application of an anesthetic agent to all the nerves supplying that region (as when an epidural anesthetic is administered to the pelvic region during childbirth)